Hallucination meaning in Hindi

Hallucination is a english word.

Hallucination Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hallucination = मतिभ्रम

    • Usage: Hallucination can be caused due to high temperature .
    • Usage: तेज़ बुखार के कारण मतिभ्रम हो जाता है .
    • Usage:

Hallucination Meaning in Detail

  • hallucination (noun) = illusory perception; a common symptom of severe mental disorder

    Synonyms: hallucination

  • hallucination (noun) = a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea

    Synonyms: delusion, hallucination

    • Usage: he has delusions of competence
    • Usage: his dreams of vast wealth are a hallucination
  • hallucination (noun) = an object perceived during a hallucinatory episode

    Synonyms: hallucination

    • Usage: he refused to believe that the angel was a hallucination
  • Other words to learn

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