Hammering meaning in Hindi

Hammering is a english word.

Hammering Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hammering = हथौड़ा पीटने की आवाज

    • Usage: Hammering sound was comming due to the construction work of the building .
    • Usage: इमारत के नर्माण कार्य के कारण हथौड़ा पीटने की आवाज़ आ रही थी.

Hammering Meaning in Detail

  • hammering (noun) = the act of pounding (delivering repeated heavy blows)

    Synonyms: hammer, pound, hammering, pounding

    • Usage: the sudden hammer of fists caught him off guard
    • Usage: the pounding of feet on the hallway
  • hammering (verb) = beat with or as if with a hammer

    Synonyms: hammer

    • Usage: hammer the metal flat
  • hammering (verb) = create by hammering

    Synonyms: forge, hammer

    • Usage: hammer the silver into a bowl
    • Usage: forge a pair of tongues
  • Other words to learn

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