Handbill meaning in Hindi

Handbill is a english word.

Handbill Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • handbill = पर्चा

    • Usage: The revolutionaries distributed handbills against the British Government .
    • Usage: अंग्रेजी सत्ता के विरुध्द क्रान्तिकारियों ने पर्चे बाँटै थे.

Handbill Meaning in Detail

  • handbill (noun) = an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution

    Synonyms: circular, handbill, bill, broadside, broadsheet, flier, flyer, throwaway

    • Usage: he mailed the circular to all subscribers
  • Other words to learn

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