Harm meaning in Hindi

Harm is a english word.

Harm Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • harm = हानि

    • Usage: Riots cause harm to general public .
    • Usage: दंगों के कारण साधारण जनता को हानी होती है .

Harm Meaning in Detail

  • harm (noun) = any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.

    Synonyms: injury, hurt, harm, trauma

  • harm (noun) = the occurrence of a change for the worse

    Synonyms: damage, harm, impairment

  • harm (noun) = the act of damaging something or someone

    Synonyms: damage, harm, hurt, scathe

  • harm (verb) = cause or do harm to

    Synonyms: harm

    • Usage: These pills won't harm your system
  • Other words to learn

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