Hateful meaning in Hindi

Hateful is a english word.

Hateful Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hateful = घृणित

    • Usage: Roshan did a hateful deed by expelling his wife from the house .
    • Usage: रोशन ने अपनी पत्नी को घर से निकाल कर घृणित कार्य किया है.

Hateful Meaning in Detail

  • hateful (adj) = evoking or deserving hatred

    Synonyms: hateful

    • Usage: no vice is universally as hateful as ingratitude"- Joseph Priestly
  • hateful (adj) = characterized by malice

    Synonyms: hateful, mean

    • Usage: a hateful thing to do
    • Usage: in a mean mood
  • Other words to learn

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