Heat meaning in Hindi

Heat is a english word.

Heat Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • heat = ऊष्मा

    • Usage: he fainted because of heat .
    • Usage: वह गर्मी के कारण बेहोश हो गया .
  • heat = गरम करना

    • Usage: if we heat iron it becomes red .
    • Usage: अगर हम लोहा गरम करते हैं तो वह लाल हो जाता है.

Heat Meaning in Detail

  • heat (noun) = a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature

    Synonyms: heat, heat_energy

  • heat (noun) = the presence of heat

    Synonyms: hotness, heat, high_temperature

  • heat (noun) = the sensation caused by heat energy

    Synonyms: heat, warmth

  • heat (noun) = the trait of being intensely emotional

    Synonyms: heat, warmth, passion

  • heat (noun) = applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity

    Synonyms: estrus, oestrus, heat, rut

  • heat (noun) = a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race

    Synonyms: heat

  • heat (noun) = utility to warm a building

    Synonyms: heating_system, heating_plant, heating, heat

    • Usage: the heating system wasn't working
    • Usage: they have radiant heating
  • heat (verb) = make hot or hotter

    Synonyms: heat, heat_up

    • Usage: the sun heats the oceans
    • Usage: heat the water on the stove
  • heat (verb) = provide with heat

    Synonyms: heat

    • Usage: heat the house
  • heat (verb) = arouse or excite feelings and passions

    Synonyms: inflame, stir_up, wake, ignite, heat, fire_up

    • Usage: The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor
    • Usage: The refugees' fate stirred up compassion around the world
    • Usage: Wake old feelings of hatred
  • heat (verb) = gain heat or get hot

    Synonyms: heat, hot_up, heat_up

    • Usage: The room heated up quickly
  • Other words to learn

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