Hike meaning in Hindi

Hike is a english word.

Hike Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hike = पैदल लंबी यात्रा

    • Usage: अमरनाथ जाने वाले यात्री'hike' करते है
  • hike = पाद यात्रा करना

    • Usage: चंद्रशेखर ने कन्याकुमारी से कश्मीर तक'hike' की थी.
    • Usage:

Hike Meaning in Detail

  • hike (noun) = a long walk usually for exercise or pleasure

    Synonyms: hike, hiking, tramp

    • Usage: she enjoys a hike in her spare time
  • hike (noun) = an increase in cost

    Synonyms: rise, boost, hike, cost_increase

    • Usage: they asked for a 10% rise in rates
  • hike (noun) = the amount a salary is increased

    Synonyms: raise, rise, wage_hike, hike, wage_increase, salary_increase

    • Usage: he got a 3% raise
    • Usage: he got a wage hike
  • hike (verb) = increase

    Synonyms: hike, hike_up, boost

    • Usage: The landlord hiked up the rents
  • hike (verb) = walk a long way, as for pleasure or physical exercise

    Synonyms: hike

    • Usage: We were hiking in Colorado
    • Usage: hike the Rockies
  • Other words to learn

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