Homestead meaning in Hindi

Homestead is a english word.

Homestead Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • homestead = कृषि फार्म

    • Usage: कई नेताओं ने अपने नाम 'homestead'खरीद रखी है.

Homestead Meaning in Detail

  • homestead (noun) = the home and adjacent grounds occupied by a family

    Synonyms: homestead

  • homestead (noun) = land acquired from the United States public lands by filing a record and living on and cultivating it under the homestead law

    Synonyms: homestead

  • homestead (noun) = dwelling that is usually a farmhouse and adjoining land

    Synonyms: homestead

  • homestead (verb) = settle land given by the government and occupy it as a homestead

    Synonyms: homestead

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