Hop meaning in Hindi

Hop is a english word.

Hop Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hop = एक पैर से कूदना

    • Usage: अमर'hop'(एक पैर से कूदने)की लंगड़ी दौड़ में प्रथम आया.

Hop Meaning in Detail

  • hop (noun) = the act of hopping; jumping upward or forward (especially on one foot)

    Synonyms: hop

  • hop (noun) = twining perennials having cordate leaves and flowers arranged in conelike spikes; the dried flowers of this plant are used in brewing to add the characteristic bitter taste to beer

    Synonyms: hop, hops

  • hop (noun) = an informal dance where popular music is played

    Synonyms: hop, record_hop

  • hop (verb) = jump lightly

    Synonyms: hop, skip, hop-skip

  • hop (verb) = move quickly from one place to another

    Synonyms: hop

  • hop (verb) = travel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc.

    Synonyms: hop

    • Usage: She hopped a train to Chicago
    • Usage: He hopped rides all over the country
  • hop (verb) = traverse as if by a short airplane trip

    Synonyms: hop

    • Usage: Hop the Pacific Ocean
  • hop (verb) = jump across

    Synonyms: hop

    • Usage: He hopped the bush
  • hop (verb) = make a jump forward or upward

    Synonyms: hop

  • Other words to learn

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