Incite meaning in Hindi

Incite is a english word.

Incite Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • incite = उत्तेजित करना

    • Usage: He incited the workers to violence.

Incite Meaning in Detail

  • incite (verb) = give an incentive for action

    Synonyms: motivate, actuate, propel, move, prompt, incite

    • Usage: This moved me to sacrifice my career
  • incite (verb) = provoke or stir up

    Synonyms: incite, instigate, set_off, stir_up

    • Usage: incite a riot
    • Usage: set off great unrest among the people
  • incite (verb) = urge on; cause to act

    Synonyms: prod, incite, egg_on

    • Usage: The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window
  • Other words to learn

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