Intent meaning in Hindi

Intent is a english word.

Intent Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • intent = आसक्त चित्त

    • Usage: Sam is watching the programme with an intent expression .
  • intent = निष्ठा

    • Usage: He was intent on getting promoted.
  • intent = उद्देश्य

    • Usage: His intent was to provide a new translation.

Intent Meaning in Detail

  • intent (noun) = an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions

    Synonyms: purpose, intent, intention, aim, design

    • Usage: his intent was to provide a new translation
    • Usage: good intentions are not enough
    • Usage: it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs
    • Usage: he made no secret of his designs
  • intent (noun) = the intended meaning of a communication

    Synonyms: intent, purport, spirit

  • intent (adj) = giving or marked by complete attention to

    Synonyms: captive, absorbed, engrossed, enwrapped, intent, wrapped

    • Usage: that engrossed look or rapt delight
    • Usage: then wrapped in dreams
    • Usage: so intent on this fantastic...narrative that she hardly stirred"- Walter de la Mare
    • Usage: rapt with wonder
    • Usage: wrapped in thought
  • Other words to learn

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