Interlock meaning in Hindi

Interlock is a english word.

Interlock Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • interlock = एक साथ जोडना

    • Usage: Interlock the pipes to prevent leakage..

Interlock Meaning in Detail

  • interlock (noun) = a device that prevents an automotive engine from starting

    Synonyms: interlock, ignition_interlock

    • Usage: car theives know how to bypass the ignition interlock
  • interlock (noun) = the act of interlocking or meshing

    Synonyms: mesh, meshing, interlock, interlocking

    • Usage: an interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check
  • interlock (verb) = coordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively

    Synonyms: interlock, mesh

  • interlock (verb) = hold in a locking position

    Synonyms: lock, interlock, interlace

    • Usage: He locked his hands around her neck
  • interlock (verb) = become engaged or intermeshed with one another

    Synonyms: interlock, lock

    • Usage: They were locked in embrace
  • Other words to learn

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