Inviolable meaning in Hindi

Inviolable is a english word.

Inviolable Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • inviolable = अलंघ्य

    • Usage: The laws of Newton are inviolable.

Inviolable Meaning in Detail

  • inviolable (adj) = incapable of being transgressed or dishonored

    Synonyms: inviolable

    • Usage: the person of the king is inviolable
    • Usage: an inviolable oath
  • inviolable (adj) = immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with

    Synonyms: impregnable, inviolable, secure, strong, unassailable, unattackable

    • Usage: an impregnable fortress
    • Usage: fortifications that made the frontier inviolable
    • Usage: a secure telephone connection
  • inviolable (adj) = must be kept sacred

    Synonyms: inviolable, inviolate, sacrosanct

  • inviolable (adj) = not capable of being violated or infringed

    Synonyms: absolute, infrangible, inviolable

    • Usage: infrangible human rights
  • Other words to learn

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