Involvement meaning in Hindi

Involvement is a english word.

Involvement Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • involvement = फँसाव

    • Usage: His suspected involvement in the robbery came into limelight.

Involvement Meaning in Detail

  • involvement (noun) = the act of sharing in the activities of a group

    Synonyms: engagement, participation, involvement, involution

    • Usage: the teacher tried to increase his students' engagement in class activities
  • involvement (noun) = a connection of inclusion or containment

    Synonyms: involvement

    • Usage: he escaped involvement in the accident
    • Usage: there was additional involvement of the liver and spleen
  • involvement (noun) = a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something

    Synonyms: interest, involvement

    • Usage: an interest in music
  • involvement (noun) = a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship

    Synonyms: affair, affaire, intimacy, liaison, involvement, amour

  • involvement (noun) = the condition of sharing in common with others (as fellows or partners etc.)

    Synonyms: participation, involvement

  • Other words to learn

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