Presume meaning in Hindi

Presume is a english word.

Presume Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • presume = मान लेना

    • Usage: I presume neha is out of station as he hasn't paid me a visit since
    • Usage: the last fortnight.
  • presume = साहस करना

    • Usage: My father doesn't expect me to presume travelling alone.

Presume Meaning in Detail

  • presume (verb) = take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof

    Synonyms: assume, presume, take_for_granted

    • Usage: I assume his train was late
  • presume (verb) = take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission

    Synonyms: make_bold, dare, presume

    • Usage: How dare you call my lawyer?
  • presume (verb) = constitute reasonable evidence for

    Synonyms: presume

    • Usage: A restaurant bill presumes the consumption of food
  • presume (verb) = take liberties or act with too much confidence

    Synonyms: presume

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