Jag meaning in Hindi

Jag is a english word.

Jag Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • jag = दाँता

    • Usage: The jags of the rock are very frightening.

Jag Meaning in Detail

  • jag (noun) = a sharp projection on an edge or surface

    Synonyms: jag

    • Usage: he clutched a jag of the rock
  • jag (noun) = a slit in a garment that exposes material of a different color underneath; used in Renaissance clothing

    Synonyms: jag

  • jag (noun) = a flap along the edge of a garment; used in medieval clothing

    Synonyms: jag, dag

  • jag (noun) = a bout of drinking or drug taking

    Synonyms: jag

  • jag (verb) = cut teeth into; make a jagged cutting edge

    Synonyms: jag

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