Biennial meaning in Hindi

Biennial is a english word.

Biennial Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • biennial = द्विवार्षिक

    • Usage: They met at biennial conventions

Biennial Meaning in Detail

  • biennial (noun) = (botany) a plant having a life cycle that normally takes two seasons from germination to death to complete; flowering biennials usually bloom and fruit in the second season

    Synonyms: biennial

  • biennial (adj) = having a life cycle lasting two seasons

    Synonyms: biennial, two-year

    • Usage: a biennial life cycle
    • Usage: parsnips and carrots are biennial plants often grown as annuals
  • biennial (adj) = occurring every second year

    Synonyms: biennial, biyearly

    • Usage: they met at biennial conventions
  • Other words to learn

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