Jolt meaning in Hindi

Jolt is a english word.

Jolt Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • jolt = झटका

    • Usage: The building got a jolt due to the earthquake.
  • jolt = दुख

    • Usage: Her father's sudden demise was a big jolt for her.
  • jolt = झकझोरना

    • Usage: The bomb explosion jolted the entire building.

Jolt Meaning in Detail

  • jolt (noun) = a sudden jarring impact

    Synonyms: jolt, jar, jounce, shock

    • Usage: the door closed with a jolt
    • Usage: all the jars and jolts were smoothed out by the shock absorbers
  • jolt (noun) = an abrupt spasmodic movement

    Synonyms: jerk, jerking, jolt, saccade

  • jolt (verb) = move or cause to move with a sudden jerky motion

    Synonyms: jolt, jar

  • jolt (verb) = disturb (someone's) composure

    Synonyms: jolt

    • Usage: The audience was jolted by the play
  • Other words to learn

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