Jot meaning in Hindi

Jot is a english word.

Jot Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • jot = कण

    • Usage: There is not a jot of truth in what you say.
  • jot = जल्दी से लिखना

    • Usage: I jot down the important points during discussion.

Jot Meaning in Detail

  • jot (noun) = a brief (and hurriedly handwritten) note

    Synonyms: jotting, jot

  • jot (noun) = a slight but appreciable amount

    Synonyms: touch, hint, tinge, mite, pinch, jot, speck, soupcon

    • Usage: this dish could use a touch of garlic
  • jot (verb) = write briefly or hurriedly; write a short note of

    Synonyms: jot_down, jot

  • Other words to learn

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