Kapok meaning in Hindi

Kapok is a english word.

Kapok Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • kapok = सेमल की रुई

    • Usage: Pillows made by kapok are very soft.

Kapok Meaning in Detail

  • kapok (noun) = a plant fiber from the kapok tree; used for stuffing and insulation

    Synonyms: kapok, silk_cotton, vegetable_silk

  • kapok (noun) = massive tropical tree with deep ridges on its massive trunk and bearing large pods of seeds covered with silky floss; source of the silky kapok fiber

    Synonyms: kapok, ceiba_tree, silk-cotton_tree, white_silk-cotton_tree, Bombay_ceiba, God_tree, Ceiba_pentandra

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