Renegade meaning in Hindi

Renegade is a english word.

Renegade Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • renegade = स्वधर्म त्यागी

    • Usage: There are bands of renegades in the hills.

Renegade Meaning in Detail

  • renegade (noun) = someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw

    Synonyms: renegade

  • renegade (noun) = a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.

    Synonyms: deserter, apostate, renegade, turncoat, recreant, ratter

  • renegade (verb) = break with established customs

    Synonyms: rebel, renegade

  • renegade (adj) = having deserted a cause or principle

    Synonyms: recreant, renegade

    • Usage: some provinces had proved recreant
    • Usage: renegade supporters of the usurper
  • Other words to learn

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