Lax meaning in Hindi

Lax is a english word.

Lax Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • lax = ढीला

    • Usage: The police is not supposed to be lax with the criminals.
  • lax = लापरवाह

    • Usage: He is often lax about his dress.

Lax Meaning in Detail

  • lax (adj) = lacking in rigor or strictness

    Synonyms: lax, slack

    • Usage: such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable
    • Usage: lax in attending classes
    • Usage: slack in maintaining discipline
  • lax (adj) = pronounced with muscles of the tongue and jaw relatively relaxed (e.g., the vowel sound in `bet')

    Synonyms: lax

  • lax (adj) = lacking in strength or firmness or resilience

    Synonyms: lax

    • Usage: a lax rope
    • Usage: a limp handshake
  • lax (adj) = emptying easily or excessively

    Synonyms: lax, loose

    • Usage: loose bowels
  • Other words to learn

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