Legitimate meaning in Hindi

Legitimate is a english word.

Legitimate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • legitimate = वैध

    • Usage: His claim to the property is absolutely legitimate.
  • legitimate = युक्ति-संगत

    • Usage: Your objection is very legitimate.

Legitimate Meaning in Detail

  • legitimate (verb) = make legal

    Synonyms: legalize, legalise, decriminalize, decriminalise, legitimize, legitimise, legitimate, legitimatize, legitimatise

    • Usage: Marijuana should be legalized
  • legitimate (verb) = show or affirm to be just and legitimate

    Synonyms: legitimate

  • legitimate (verb) = make (an illegitimate child) legitimate; declare the legitimacy of (someone)

    Synonyms: legitimate

    • Usage: They legitimized their natural child
  • legitimate (adj) = of marriages and offspring; recognized as lawful

    Synonyms: legitimate

  • legitimate (adj) = based on known statements or events or conditions

    Synonyms: legitimate, logical

    • Usage: rain was a logical expectation, given the time of year
  • legitimate (adj) = in accordance with recognized or accepted standards or principles

    Synonyms: legitimate

    • Usage: legitimate advertising practices
  • legitimate (adj) = authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law

    Synonyms: lawful, legitimate, licit

    • Usage: a legitimate government
  • Other words to learn

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