Lemon meaning in Hindi

Lemon is a english word.

Lemon Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • lemon = नींबू

    • Usage: Pick up some lemons when you go to the stores.
  • lemon = हल्का पीला रंग

    • Usage: She was wearing a lemon saree.

Lemon Meaning in Detail

  • lemon (noun) = yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh

    Synonyms: lemon

  • lemon (noun) = a strong yellow color

    Synonyms: gamboge, lemon, lemon_yellow, maize

  • lemon (noun) = a small evergreen tree that originated in Asia but is widely cultivated for its fruit

    Synonyms: lemon, lemon_tree, Citrus_limon

  • lemon (noun) = a distinctive tart flavor characteristic of lemons

    Synonyms: lemon

  • lemon (noun) = an artifact (especially an automobile) that is defective or unsatisfactory

    Synonyms: lemon, stinker

  • Other words to learn

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