Limit meaning in Hindi

Limit is a english word.

Limit Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • limit = सीमा

    • Usage: Limits of metropolitan towns are expanding day-by-day.
  • limit = सीमित रहना

    • Usage: Limit your speech to five minutes.

Limit Meaning in Detail

  • limit (noun) = the greatest possible degree of something

    Synonyms: limit, bound, boundary

    • Usage: what he did was beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior
    • Usage: to the limit of his ability
  • limit (noun) = final or latest limiting point

    Synonyms: terminus_ad_quem, terminal_point, limit

  • limit (noun) = as far as something can go

    Synonyms: limit

  • limit (noun) = the boundary of a specific area

    Synonyms: limit, demarcation, demarcation_line

  • limit (noun) = the mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity

    Synonyms: limit, limit_point, point_of_accumulation

  • limit (noun) = the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed

    Synonyms: limit, limitation

    • Usage: there are limits on the amount you can bet
    • Usage: it is growing rapidly with no limitation in sight
  • limit (verb) = place limits on (extent or access)

    Synonyms: restrict, restrain, trammel, limit, bound, confine, throttle

    • Usage: restrict the use of this parking lot
    • Usage: limit the time you can spend with your friends
  • limit (verb) = restrict or confine, "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"

    Synonyms: limit, circumscribe, confine

  • limit (verb) = decide upon or fix definitely

    Synonyms: specify, set, determine, define, fix, limit

    • Usage: fix the variables
    • Usage: specify the parameters
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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