Linkage meaning in Hindi

Linkage is a english word.

Linkage Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • linkage = जोडने का साधन

    • Usage: Though the two posts appear to be so close to each other there is hardly any linkage between the two.
  • linkage = सम्बन्ध

    • Usage: These are all stray remarks with hardly any linkage among them.

Linkage Meaning in Detail

  • linkage (noun) = an associative relation

    Synonyms: linkage

  • linkage (noun) = (genetics) traits that tend to be inherited together as a consequence of an association between their genes; all of the genes of a given chromosome are linked (where one goes they all go)

    Synonyms: linkage, gene_linkage

  • linkage (noun) = a mechanical system of rods or springs or pivots that transmits power or motion

    Synonyms: linkage

  • linkage (noun) = the act of linking things together

    Synonyms: linkage

  • Other words to learn

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