Vibrate meaning in Hindi

Vibrate is a english word.

Vibrate Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • vibrate = स्पंदित होना

    • Usage: The building vibrated due to the earthquake

Vibrate Meaning in Detail

  • vibrate (verb) = shake, quiver, or throb; move back and forth rapidly, usually in an uncontrolled manner

    Synonyms: vibrate

  • vibrate (verb) = move or swing from side to side regularly

    Synonyms: oscillate, vibrate

    • Usage: the needle on the meter was oscillating
  • vibrate (verb) = be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action

    Synonyms: hover, vibrate, vacillate, oscillate

    • Usage: He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement
  • vibrate (verb) = sound with resonance

    Synonyms: resonate, vibrate

    • Usage: The sound resonates well in this theater
  • vibrate (verb) = feel sudden intense sensation or emotion

    Synonyms: thrill, tickle, vibrate

    • Usage: he was thrilled by the speed and the roar of the engine
  • Other words to learn

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