Lumber meaning in Hindi

Lumber is a english word.

Lumber Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • lumber = काठ कबाड़

    • Usage: Sell the lumber to get some money.
  • lumber = भार देना

    • Usage: Hari was lumbered with the task of compiling his letters.

Lumber Meaning in Detail

  • lumber (noun) = the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building material

    Synonyms: lumber, timber

  • lumber (noun) = an implement used in baseball by the batter

    Synonyms: baseball_bat, lumber

  • lumber (verb) = move heavily or clumsily

    Synonyms: lumber, pound

    • Usage: The heavy man lumbered across the room
  • lumber (verb) = cut lumber, as in woods and forests

    Synonyms: log, lumber

  • Other words to learn

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