Mash meaning in Hindi

Mash is a english word.

Mash Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • mash = दलिया

    • Usage: A mash of snow covered the mountain.

Mash Meaning in Detail

  • mash (noun) = a mixture of mashed malt grains and hot water; used in brewing

    Synonyms: mash

  • mash (noun) = mixture of ground animal feeds

    Synonyms: mash

  • mash (verb) = to compress with violence, out of natural shape or condition

    Synonyms: squash, crush, squelch, mash, squeeze

    • Usage: crush an aluminum can
    • Usage: squeeze a lemon
  • mash (verb) = talk or behave amorously, without serious intentions

    Synonyms: chat_up, flirt, dally, butterfly, coquet, coquette, romance, philander, mash

    • Usage: The guys always try to chat up the new secretaries
    • Usage: My husband never flirts with other women
  • mash (verb) = reduce to small pieces or particles by pounding or abrading

    Synonyms: grind, mash, crunch, bray, comminute

    • Usage: grind the spices in a mortar
    • Usage: mash the garlic
  • Other words to learn

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