Meld meaning in Hindi

Meld is a english word.

Meld Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • meld = मिश्रण करना

    • Usage: The exhibits meld the tradtional crafts and modern hi-tech products.

Meld Meaning in Detail

  • meld (noun) = a form of rummy using two decks of cards and four jokers; jokers and deuces are wild; the object is to form groups of the same rank

    Synonyms: canasta, basket_rummy, meld

  • meld (verb) = announce for a score; of cards in a card game

    Synonyms: meld

  • meld (verb) = lose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually

    Synonyms: melt, meld

    • Usage: Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene
  • meld (verb) = mix together different elements

    Synonyms: blend, flux, mix, conflate, commingle, immix, fuse, coalesce, meld, combine, merge

    • Usage: The colors blend well
  • Other words to learn

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