Mildness meaning in Hindi

Mildness is a english word.

Mildness Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • mildness = मृदुता

    • Usage: Everyone appreciates his mildness in a crises.

Mildness Meaning in Detail

  • mildness (noun) = good weather with comfortable temperatures

    Synonyms: mildness, clemency

  • mildness (noun) = acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered

    Synonyms: gentleness, softness, mildness

    • Usage: his fingers have learned gentleness
    • Usage: suddenly her gigantic power melted into softness for the baby
    • Usage: even in the pulpit there are moments when mildness of manner is not enough
  • mildness (noun) = mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or tolerant

    Synonyms: lenience, leniency, mildness, lenity

  • Other words to learn

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