Milk meaning in Hindi

Milk is a english word.

Milk Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • milk = दूध

    • Usage: Drink a glass of milk everyday.
  • milk = दुहना

    • Usage: Milk the cow twice everyday.

Milk Meaning in Detail

  • milk (noun) = a white nutritious liquid secreted by mammals and used as food by human beings

    Synonyms: milk

  • milk (noun) = produced by mammary glands of female mammals for feeding their young

    Synonyms: milk

  • milk (noun) = a river that rises in the Rockies in northwestern Montana and flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River

    Synonyms: Milk, Milk_River

  • milk (noun) = any of several nutritive milklike liquids

    Synonyms: milk

  • milk (verb) = take milk from female mammals

    Synonyms: milk

    • Usage: Cows need to be milked every morning
  • milk (verb) = exploit as much as possible

    Synonyms: milk

    • Usage: I am milking this for all it's worth
  • milk (verb) = add milk to

    Synonyms: milk

    • Usage: milk the tea
  • Other words to learn

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