Molar meaning in Hindi

Molar is a english word.

Molar Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • molar = दाढ़

    • Usage: I had to have my molar removed.

Molar Meaning in Detail

  • molar (noun) = grinding tooth with a broad crown; located behind the premolars

    Synonyms: molar, grinder

  • molar (adj) = of or pertaining to the grinding teeth in the back of a mammal's mouth

    Synonyms: molar

    • Usage: molar teeth
  • molar (adj) = designating a solution containing one mole of solute per liter of solution

    Synonyms: molar

  • molar (adj) = containing one mole of a substance

    Synonyms: molar

    • Usage: molar weight
  • molar (adj) = pertaining to large units of behavior

    Synonyms: molar

    • Usage: such molar problems of personality as the ego functions"--R.R. Hunt
  • Other words to learn

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