Monstrous meaning in Hindi

Monstrous is a english word.

Monstrous Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • monstrous = अप्राकृतिक

    • Usage: The man accused of the Rajkot murder case had a monstrous stature.

Monstrous Meaning in Detail

  • monstrous (adj) = abnormally large

    Synonyms: monstrous

  • monstrous (adj) = shockingly brutal or cruel

    Synonyms: atrocious, flagitious, grievous, monstrous

    • Usage: murder is an atrocious crime
    • Usage: a grievous offense against morality
    • Usage: a grievous crime
    • Usage: no excess was too monstrous for them to commit
  • monstrous (adj) = distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous

    Synonyms: grotesque, monstrous

    • Usage: tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas
    • Usage: twisted into monstrous shapes
  • Other words to learn

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