Muffle meaning in Hindi

Muffle is a english word.

Muffle Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • muffle = आवाज़ दबाना

    • Usage: Nina tried to muffle her sound when she heard a noise down stairs.

Muffle Meaning in Detail

  • muffle (noun) = a kiln with an inner chamber for firing things at a low temperature

    Synonyms: muffle

  • muffle (verb) = conceal or hide

    Synonyms: smother, stifle, strangle, muffle, repress

    • Usage: smother a yawn
    • Usage: muffle one's anger
    • Usage: strangle a yawn
  • muffle (verb) = deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping

    Synonyms: muffle, mute, dull, damp, dampen, tone_down

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