Multiply meaning in Hindi

Multiply is a english word.

Multiply Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • multiply = गुणा करना

    • Usage: Multiply four with two to get eight.

Multiply Meaning in Detail

  • multiply (verb) = combine by multiplication

    Synonyms: multiply

    • Usage: multiply 10 by 15
  • multiply (verb) = combine or increase by multiplication

    Synonyms: multiply, manifold

    • Usage: He managed to multiply his profits
  • multiply (verb) = have young (animals) or reproduce (organisms)

    Synonyms: breed, multiply

    • Usage: pandas rarely breed in captivity
    • Usage: These bacteria reproduce
  • multiply (verb) = have offspring or produce more individuals of a given animal or plant

    Synonyms: reproduce, procreate, multiply

    • Usage: The Bible tells people to procreate
  • multiply (adv) = in several ways; in a multiple manner

    Synonyms: multiply

    • Usage: they were multiply checked for errors
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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