Mummify meaning in Hindi

Mummify is a english word.

Mummify Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • mummify = शव का परिरक्षण करना

    • Usage: Egyptians used to mummify the dead bodies in the earlier ceturies.

Mummify Meaning in Detail

  • mummify (verb) = preserve while making lifeless

    Synonyms: mummify

    • Usage: mummified ideas and institutions should be gotten rid of
  • mummify (verb) = remove the organs and dry out (a dead body) in order to preserve it

    Synonyms: mummify

    • Usage: Th Egyptians mummified their pharaohs
  • mummify (verb) = dry up and shrivel due to complete loss of moisture

    Synonyms: mummify, dry_up

    • Usage: a mummified body was found
  • Other words to learn

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