Pawn meaning in Hindi

Pawn is a english word.

Pawn Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pawn = पैदल मोहरा

    • Usage: A pawn can be moved only straight.
  • pawn = कठपुतली

    • Usage: He is just a pawn in their struggle for power.
  • pawn = बन्धक

    • Usage: The terrorists made them all pawns.
  • pawn = गिरवी रखना

    • Usage: He pawned his gold watch to pay his rent.
  • pawn = दाँव पर लगाना

    • Usage: He pawned his life for the sake of loyalty.

Pawn Meaning in Detail

  • pawn (noun) = an article deposited as security

    Synonyms: pawn

  • pawn (noun) = a person used by another to gain an end

    Synonyms: instrument, pawn, cat's-paw

  • pawn (noun) = (chess) the least powerful piece; moves only forward and captures only to the side; it can be promoted to a more powerful piece if it reaches the 8th rank

    Synonyms: pawn

  • pawn (noun) = borrowing and leaving an article as security for repayment of the loan

    Synonyms: pawn

  • pawn (verb) = leave as a guarantee in return for money

    Synonyms: pawn, soak, hock

    • Usage: pawn your grandfather's gold watch
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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