Muscle meaning in Hindi

Muscle is a english word.

Muscle Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • muscle = पेशी/ताकत

    • Usage: Chetan has well developed muscles in his arms.

Muscle Meaning in Detail

  • muscle (noun) = one of the contractile organs of the body

    Synonyms: muscle, musculus

  • muscle (noun) = animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells

    Synonyms: muscle, muscular_tissue

  • muscle (noun) = a bully employed as a thug or bodyguard

    Synonyms: muscleman, muscle

    • Usage: the drug lord had his muscleman to protect him
  • muscle (noun) = authority or power or force (especially when used in a coercive way)

    Synonyms: muscle

    • Usage: the senators used their muscle to get the party leader to resign
  • muscle (noun) = possessing muscular strength

    Synonyms: brawn, brawniness, muscle, muscularity, sinew, heftiness

  • muscle (verb) = make one's way by force

    Synonyms: muscle

    • Usage: He muscled his way into the office
  • Other words to learn

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