Nickname meaning in Hindi

Nickname is a english word.

Nickname Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • nickname = उपनाम

    • Usage: Joe's mother would not use his nickname and always called him Joseph.
  • nickname = उपनाम देना

    • Usage: She nicknamed her son.

Nickname Meaning in Detail

  • nickname (noun) = a familiar name for a person (often a shortened version of a person's given name)

    Synonyms: nickname, moniker, cognomen, sobriquet, soubriquet, byname

    • Usage: Joe's mother would not use his nickname and always called him Joseph
    • Usage: Henry's nickname was Slim
  • nickname (noun) = a descriptive name for a place or thing

    Synonyms: nickname

    • Usage: the nickname for the U.S. Constitution is `Old Ironsides'
  • nickname (verb) = give a nickname to

    Synonyms: dub, nickname

  • Other words to learn

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