Output meaning in Hindi

Output is a english word.

Output Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • output = उत्पादन

    • Usage: The output of Bajaj is 200 vehicles per day.
  • output = प्रक्षेपण

    • Usage: That bulb has an output of 200 watts.
  • output = प्रक्षेपण करना

    • Usage: The computer can output uncountable bytes of information in a second.

Output Meaning in Detail

  • output (noun) = final product; the things produced

    Synonyms: end_product, output

  • output (noun) = production of a certain amount

    Synonyms: output, yield

  • output (noun) = signal that comes out of an electronic system

    Synonyms: output_signal, output

  • output (noun) = the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time)

    Synonyms: output, yield, production

    • Usage: production was up in the second quarter
  • output (noun) = what is produced in a given time period

    Synonyms: output, outturn, turnout

  • output (verb) = to create or manufacture a specific amount

    Synonyms: output

    • Usage: the computer is outputting the data from the job I'm running
  • Other words to learn

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