Overdrive meaning in Hindi

Overdrive is a english word.

Overdrive Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • overdrive = तेज़ गति करने वाला गियर

    • Usage: The motorists was on the overdrive to reach the destination
  • overdrive = अत्यधिक सक्रियता

    • Usage: If you overdrive a man working already it will be counter productive

Overdrive Meaning in Detail

  • overdrive (noun) = the state of high or excessive activity or productivity or concentration

    Synonyms: overdrive

    • Usage: Troops are ready to go into overdrive as soon as the signal is given
    • Usage: Melissa's brain was in overdrive
  • overdrive (noun) = a high gear used at high speeds to maintain the driving speed with less output power

    Synonyms: overdrive

  • overdrive (verb) = drive or work too hard

    Synonyms: overdrive

    • Usage: The teacher is overworking his students
    • Usage: Overdriving people often suffer stress
  • overdrive (verb) = make use of too often or too extensively

    Synonyms: overuse, overdrive

  • Other words to learn

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