Painting meaning in Hindi

Painting is a english word.

Painting Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • painting = कलाकृति{चित्र}

  • painting = रंगचित्र

    • Usage: Raja Ravi Varma's paintings are very famous.
    • Usage: राजा रवी वार्मा के रंगचित्र बहुत प्रसिद्ध हैं.
  • painting = चित्रकारी

    • Usage: She is doing her post graduation in painting.
    • Usage: वह चित्रकारी में स्नात्कोत्तर कर रही है.

Painting Meaning in Detail

  • painting (noun) = graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface

    Synonyms: painting, picture

    • Usage: a small painting by Picasso
    • Usage: he bought the painting as an investment
    • Usage: his pictures hang in the Louvre
  • painting (noun) = creating a picture with paints

    Synonyms: painting

    • Usage: he studied painting and sculpture for many years
  • painting (noun) = the act of applying paint to a surface

    Synonyms: painting

    • Usage: you can finish the job of painting faster with a roller than with a brush
  • painting (noun) = the occupation of a house painter

    Synonyms: painting, house_painting

    • Usage: house painting was the only craft he knew
  • painting (verb) = make a painting

    Synonyms: paint

    • Usage: he painted all day in the garden
    • Usage: He painted a painting of the garden
  • painting (verb) = apply paint to; coat with paint

    Synonyms: paint

    • Usage: We painted the rooms yellow
  • painting (verb) = make a painting of

    Synonyms: paint

    • Usage: He painted his mistress many times
  • painting (verb) = apply a liquid to; e.g., paint the gutters with linseed oil

    Synonyms: paint

  • Other words to learn

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