Palisade meaning in Hindi

Palisade is a english word.

Palisade Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • palisade = कटघरा

    • Usage: They have made a strong palisade around their farm.
    • Usage: उन्होंने एक मजबूत कटघरा खेत के चारों ओर बनाया.
  • palisade = कटघरा बना

    • Usage: In olden days people use to palisade their houses.
    • Usage: प्राचीन काल में लोग घरों के चारों ओर नोकदार लकड़ियों का बाड़ा लगाते थे.

Palisade Meaning in Detail

  • palisade (noun) = fortification consisting of a strong fence made of stakes driven into the ground

    Synonyms: palisade

  • palisade (verb) = surround with a wall in order to fortify

    Synonyms: wall, palisade, fence, fence_in, surround

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