Palpitation meaning in Hindi

Palpitation is a english word.

Palpitation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • palpitation = घबराहट होना

    • Usage: I get palpitation when I overeat.
    • Usage: मुझे घबराहट होने लगती है जब मैं अत्यधिक खा लेती हूँ.

Palpitation Meaning in Detail

  • palpitation (noun) = a rapid and irregular heart beat

    Synonyms: palpitation

  • palpitation (noun) = a shaky motion

    Synonyms: shaking, shakiness, trembling, quiver, quivering, vibration, palpitation

    • Usage: the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe
  • Other words to learn

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