Parched meaning in Hindi

Parched is a english word.

Parched Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • parched = झलसना

    • Usage: We can see parched deserts in Africa.

Parched Meaning in Detail

  • parched (verb) = cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat

    Synonyms: parch, sear

    • Usage: The sun parched the earth
  • parched (adj) = dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight

    Synonyms: adust, baked, parched, scorched, sunbaked

    • Usage: a vast desert all adust
    • Usage: land lying baked in the heat
    • Usage: parched soil
    • Usage: the earth was scorched and bare
    • Usage: sunbaked salt flats
  • parched (adj) = toasted or roasted slightly

    Synonyms: parched

    • Usage: parched corn was a staple of the Indian diet
  • Other words to learn

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