Party meaning in Hindi

Party is a english word.

Party Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • party = पार्टी

  • party = दल/जनसमूह

    • Usage: Party of that area was given maximum votes.

Party Meaning in Detail

  • party (noun) = an organization to gain political power

    Synonyms: party, political_party

    • Usage: in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level
  • party (noun) = a group of people gathered together for pleasure

    Synonyms: party

    • Usage: she joined the party after dinner
  • party (noun) = a band of people associated temporarily in some activity

    Synonyms: party, company

    • Usage: they organized a party to search for food
    • Usage: the company of cooks walked into the kitchen
  • party (noun) = an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment

    Synonyms: party

    • Usage: he planned a party to celebrate Bastille Day
  • party (noun) = a person involved in legal proceedings

    Synonyms: party

    • Usage: the party of the first part
  • party (verb) = have or participate in a party

    Synonyms: party

    • Usage: The students were partying all night before the exam
  • Other words to learn

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