Pause meaning in Hindi

Pause is a english word.

Pause Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • pause = रुकना

    • Usage: He paused before answering my question.
  • pause = विराम

    • Usage: He slipped out during a pause in the conversation.

Pause Meaning in Detail

  • pause (noun) = a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something

    Synonyms: pause, intermission, break, interruption, suspension

  • pause (noun) = temporary inactivity

    Synonyms: pause

  • pause (verb) = interrupt temporarily an activity before continuing

    Synonyms: hesitate, pause

    • Usage: The speaker paused
  • pause (verb) = cease an action temporarily

    Synonyms: pause, intermit, break

    • Usage: We pause for station identification
    • Usage: let's break for lunch
  • Other words to learn

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