People meaning in Hindi

People is a english word.

People Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • people = लोग

    • Usage: I met many people in the conference.
  • people = जनता

    • Usage: Some kinds of social problems worry people.
  • people = जाति

    • Usage: The spartans were a warlike people.
  • people = देशवासी

    • Usage: The people of Russia were ruled by Tzar kings.
  • people = वफ़ादार लोग

    • Usage: His people are believable.
  • people = प्रजा

    • Usage: The chief minister will be elected by the people.
  • people = रिश्तेदार

    • Usage: My people are very good in nature.

People Meaning in Detail

  • people (noun) = (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively

    Synonyms: people

    • Usage: old people
    • Usage: there were at least 200 people in the audience
  • people (noun) = the body of citizens of a state or country

    Synonyms: citizenry, people

    • Usage: the Spanish people
  • people (noun) = members of a family line

    Synonyms: people

    • Usage: his people have been farmers for generations
    • Usage: are your people still alive?
  • people (noun) = the common people generally

    Synonyms: multitude, masses, mass, hoi_polloi, people, the_great_unwashed

    • Usage: separate the warriors from the mass
    • Usage: power to the people
  • people (verb) = fill with people

    Synonyms: people

    • Usage: Stalin wanted to people the empty steppes
  • people (verb) = furnish with people

    Synonyms: people

    • Usage: The plains are sparsely populated
  • Other words to learn

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