Peace meaning in Hindi

Peace is a english word.

Peace Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • peace = अमन

    • Usage: After the sudden outbreak of war, now there is peace in the country.
  • peace = चैन

    • Usage: She has lost her peace of mind.

Peace Meaning in Detail

  • peace (noun) = the state prevailing during the absence of war

    Synonyms: peace

  • peace (noun) = harmonious relations; freedom from disputes

    Synonyms: peace

    • Usage: the roommates lived in peace together
  • peace (noun) = the absence of mental stress or anxiety

    Synonyms: peace, peacefulness, peace_of_mind, repose, serenity, heartsease, ataraxis

  • peace (noun) = the general security of public places

    Synonyms: peace, public_security

    • Usage: he was arrested for disturbing the peace
  • peace (noun) = a treaty to cease hostilities

    Synonyms: peace, peace_treaty, pacification

    • Usage: peace came on November 11th
  • Other words to learn

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